Interior House Painting
At New England Painting and Construction, our skilled professionals will ensure that surfaces are properly prepared before the start of any job and we'll pay special attention to covering areas that are not being painted. A thorough cleaning is performed when our workers are done at the end of each day.
Paint and Color Choices
New England Painting and Construction, offers a wide selection of paint and color choices to best cover your interior surfaces. Once you've made your choices, our painters will double check with you on the materials before we even get the job started. We review everything with you to make sure you're completely satisfied with the project.
Prep Work
Prep work is the most important part of any paint job. We prepare surfaces carefully so the experience will result in a professional finish. We cover and protect all furnishings and floors. Hardware such as curtain rods, switch plates and cover plates are removed. Door knobs, thermostats and alarm system hardware will be covered.
We will scrape, patch and sand walls to prepare them for painting. Wall and ceiling cracks will be filled with spackling compound. Some cracks will receive an application of fiberglass joint tape, and will be spackled and sanded smooth. We also scrape and sand rough areas from previous paint jobs. We will also caulk cracks in wood trim. A stain sealer may need to be applied to water and tannin wood stains.
If wallpaper needs to be removed we will do so. Wallpaper removal can be tricky, however, as sometimes the substrate has not been sealed properly or other hidden conditions may exist. Due to these factors, examination of the wallpaper is necessary to determine whether additional labor and materials are necessary.
Finishing the Job
At the end of the day we will clean up and vacuum work areas and take away debris. When the job is completed, unused paint will be labeled and left at the job site. Our professionals use dustless sanders to make sure we catch potentially airborne debris and dust. It requires little clean up time and makes for significantly faster prep work.
Lead-Safe Certified
New England Painting and Construction is EPA Lead-Safe Certified and our crews have all received lead-safe training.